Avoiding Problems When Growing Cannabis

Cannabis Growing

Watch out for these six potential problems and Cure 99% of the issues around growing Cannabis: Previously, we explained how to identify numerous problems that may arise when growing Cannabis. To be honest, when one grows this plant, it is probable that one will run into one if not many of the potential problems associated with growing. How you choose to respond to these potential problems will signify whether or not you have a high yield or a costly disaster! Cannabis can be an easy plant to grow, given the…

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California Moms Speak Out For Legalizing Marijuana

mother weed

Author: Ronald Russo The push to legalize marijuana in California has borne witness to a bevy of strange sleeping arrangements. Medical marijuana dispensaries are now bedfellows with unions; retired law enforcement officers have linked arms with longhairs; and Democrats like Sen. Barbara Boxer have ditched their progressive stances on personal freedom in order to appear tough on crime, even as one of Boxer’s own staffers was arrested on Capitol Hill for possessing weed. As the days tick down to a vote on Prop. 19, yet another coalition of drug reformers…

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