Vaping In Public Ban In California


Are We Seeing The End Of Public Vaping With California’s Ban? As it is right now, “vapers” or people use electronic cigarettes to get their nicotine fix instead of smoking tobacco cigarettes enjoy more freedom than cigarette smokers. However, they are facing a threat from California’s impending ban on vaping. The state recently passed a bill that prohibits the use of electronic cigarettes in all the places where cigarette smoking is also banned. Although the bill still has to be approved by the Assembly, some establishments like the UCLA are…

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California Tax Cannabis Recent Voters Poll

The new Tax Cannabis initiative is growing in popular favor for the legal use and regulation on Marijuana in California this November. This is definitely exciting news for fellow smokers, patients, activists, and the overall Cannabis communities. People are starting to realize more and more everyday that this substance known as “Pot” is great for many medicinal ailments as well as hemp for industrial uses. Well, I don’t think this new initiative actually changes the rules for growing hemp but I am sure it will only help open more eyes…

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