How to Germinating Marijuana Seeds

paper towel germination

How To Germinate Marijuana Seeds   Germinating Marijuana seeds is pretty simple, if you follow these steps you stand a much better chance of successfully germinating your Marijuana seeds and starting your Marijuana grow off on the right foot. Step One: Soak the seed in water for 24 hours. This allows the seed to soak up water and start the process of opening up the outer shell. (Just toss it in a small cup of water between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit). Seeds do not require any light source to…

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When Should I Flower My Marijuana Plants

The point that you switch your marijuana plants light schedule to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark to induce flowering is up to you and depends on two things: The size of your grow area The average height of the strain you are growing Some people start their plants on 12/12 from seed almost like an auto-flowering strain, while others let their plants grow to be 6 feet tall before they switch to 12/12. Everything that I have read says that you should wait until your plants…

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Topping Marijuana To Increase Yield

topped cannabis

Topping marijuana plants and increasing yields Topping marijuana is Usually misunderstood by most growers. A single growing shoot could produce a bigger individual col. The top two questions I get asked are: “How do I top my Marijuana plant??” and “How do I increase the yield of my grow??“. The first question is the answer to the second and I can kill two birds with one stone, so I decided to write about it. First of all, there are a lot of different ways to increase yield by manipulating or cutting a…

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Growing Marijuana Fast Indoors

marijuana indoor growing

Growing marijuana fast indoors is an excellent choice if you’ve got a garage or perhaps a basement and have lots of light. Marijuana needs room to grow, so make sure you pick a place that’s not too small in any respect. In case you are putting right into pots, your dirt should be quite rich, dark-ish and loamy before planting. If you’ve got poor soil, amend it with composted manure at least one period before planting. The pots need to have good drainage also so that the roots can completely…

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Simple Tips For Training Your Cannabis Plants

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In order to produce better yields, people who grow cannabis train their plants to grow into specific shapes and sizes. In order to get plants with an abundant number of buds, techniques such as LST, super cropping, firming, topping, and more are used.   There are many ways to control the shape and size of the plants. Advanced plant training techniques include ScrOG, SoG, defoliation, super cropping, mainlining, LST, FIMing, and topping. However, especially during the flowering stage, some grow patterns depend on the plant’s genetic code no matter which…

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